Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pennsylvania Primary Results

On the Democrat Side.
Hilary had 1,238,232 votes (54.6%)
Barack had 1,030,703 votes (45.4%)
On the Republican Side
Huckabee had 90,002  votes (11.4%)
McLame (McCain) had 576,088 votes (72.7%)
Ron Paul had 125,810 votes 15.9%
So, Hilary won on the Democrat Side, and McCain won on the Republican Side. The next Primary is set for May 6, the Indiana and North Carolina Primaries. 
But I hate this election now, America is DOOMED, We are better off with Bush then Clinton, Obama Might be okay, and McCain is just another Bush! 
So far til this Day John McCain has raised $64,654,539. Barack at $193,600,733 and Hilary at 169,003

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Three Stories

Story 1:Mark Penn, the Chief Strategist on Clinton's Campaign Resigns. Clinton doesn't think it will hurt her. But he will still advise Clinton in her run for the White House. Now isn't that weird?
Story 2:400 kids taken from that polygamy ranch in El Dorado, Texas. Its sad and shocking that this happened! I mean, over 400, WOW! The owner of this was breakaway Mormon. Back in the old old old days, in the Mormon religion, it was okay, for a man to have several wives at one time. It was also, okay, to marry young girls, it was not uncommon in the Mormon religion for old men to have young teenager brides, or younger. In today's world this is Pedophilia and is against the law. So then, a 16-year-old girl, called from the compound and called the Police and told them, She had a baby by a 50-year-old man who was her husband and she wanted to get out of there. Polygamists can also force a girl or a boy to do this, by threatening to take something away or do something bad.
Story 3: Clinton's have an Arab Friend, This Friend is a FOB or Friend of Bill, and Hilary, he is a friend of them! And he's Arab! He is a Sheik of Dubai, this is very suspicious. I wondering what's going on!

Very Amazing Crash.

Michael McDowell was in a very serious NASCAR crash, it was horrible. But he was not hurt at all. He just walked and waved. Amazing. He got real famous cause of that crash, and he still qualified!. The crash/video is in the link below

Kansas Jayhawks defeated Memphis Tigers in NCAA 2008 Championship :(

Yes they did, with a shocking 76-68, Memphis almost won at Regulation until one of the Jayhawk's threw a 3-pointer in the basket, then they cursed the Tigers and won with a 8 point lead. They went into Overtime, with no chance for Memphis to win. Memphis Tiger fans (like me) disappointed and sad to hear that they lost. Well, atleast there will be next year, and, Kansas Jayhawks fan's, guess what, a tiger is real, a Jayhawk is not. Haha.