Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 2: Democratic Convention

Hilary Clinton delivered the best speech she had ever made last night, in my opinion. She probably changed the minds of thousands of people who were going to vote for McCain because Hilary didn't make it. I liked that speech, and I am a Republican. Her speech was a little bit like her old speechs, talked about a man that cant get health care and he was in the army or something, and this Woman trying to survive minimum wage. She was also being nice with Barack Obama, but not mentioning the things she said about him in the past. I believe a political convention is 2 things, 1. is to reunite members in the party and 2. is to get people to vote for the Candidate.

I try to stay balanced for your needs. That why I am covering the Convention. Bill Clinton is going to speak tonight. If you want more information about the convention go to :

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